Day 42: A Drive through Montana

Today I left Yellowstone, and although it is considered by many to be the most scenic national park in the country, it didn’t mean I left all of the scenery and wilderness behind. Driving throught the state of Montana is a series of scenic views, one right after the other. The land stretched for miles with few interruptions allowing you to see for miles and miles (and also meaning there are many miles between gas stations, fill up!).
Along the highway heading north from the park that barely stretches into the southwestern corner of the state, Montana natives greeted me on the highway. Some big horn sheep blocked the highway along a mountain pass. They were thin and shaggy from the long winter and watched as I inched my way past them and snapped some pictures with my cell phone.

Big Horn Sheep taking control of the highway in Montana. June 19, 2011

The glacial lakes of the state are just as breathtaking, the water so clear you can see straight to the bottom even when the water is several feet deep. Montana has two sides of a coin: The fiery breaths of a supervolano and the icy glaciers of the far north. Tomorrow I was heading with my friend, who lives in Missoula, to the opposite side of the coin. Glacier National Park has some spectacular hiking trails to hit, and we were ready.

Flathead Lake of Montana. The water is so clear.... about 3 feet deep at this spot where I took the picture.
Big Horn sheep of Montana June 19, 2011


A scenic Montana highway view. June 19, 2011

Day 41: The Emotions of Yellowstone

Your heart beat begins to quicken, causing an involuntary gasp for air. The emotion is one on high. You feel at peace with the world, like you could imagine being no where else, while at the same time being nervous about what it can bring. It is a treat for the eyes, yet it somehow entices you to close them as if it is too much to take in. You take another deep breath. The scent is relaxing, a freshness you can taste. Although it seems impossible, you feel warm and cold at the same time. Something so grand plays out in front of you that you want to immerse yourself deeply in everything it offers.
It is hard to imagine leaving this spot in time, but you know what comes next can be greater than the last. Letting your heart beat calm, and taking a last, deep breath, you push yourself forward so you can see what comes next. That step forwards sends you through the waves of emotion all over again.
This is the experience of travel. Of taking in something so much bigger than yourself.m It is amazing how a landscape can evoke feelings so akin to love. When you first round that corner as you drive up to a new place you can feel overwhelmed. The speedometer slows down as you try to take it in. Maybe you even pull over. All the while you are having these warm feelings of joy- but you also have fear. Steep, dangerous cliffs….aggressive animals that aren’t afraid of people…swift currents ready to take you away… hot steam boiling out of the ground unexpectedly. The very fact that you are standing inside of a super-volcano can be a rush itself- At any moment everything could become nothing.

These are the most rewarding moments in life. When you feel these emotions you open yourself up to what they offer. You expose you vulnerability. Something so beautiful somehow overcomes the fear, making the dangers a palatable cost. No one climbs a mountain, risking their life as they push themselves up steep ravines and cliffs, to see a land fill. We take risks to get to those ultimate feelings, and as uncomfortable as they are, we live to push our limits for a chance at achieving them.  Heart racing, uneven breathing, warmth and cold washing over you in waves.
Yellowstone is one of the ultimate places to visit- it has so many different faces  to evoke those feelings. From the geysers to the waterfalls, from the fields of bison to the tall, snow capped mountains, Yellowstone is a series of emotions waiting to happen.

The Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces.Yellowstone National Park. June 18, 2011.

Today we continued our journey through the park, making our way to the different waterfalls, and eventually ending up at Mammoth Hot Spring where calcite terraces tower into the air like sculpted snow, steam rising. We saw Inspiration Point, a place aptly named for what it surely does for many visitors. We drove over mountain passes with snow piled up along the side of the highway taller than our vehicles, and watched as we transitioned down and that snow created magnificent waterfalls cascading down the stone into deep cutting rivers.

One of the many rivers in Yellowstone, carving down through the richly colored rocks and sediment. June 18, 2011

We soaked it in. Took the deep breaths. Felt our hearts flutter.

If I could stay here for an eternity I would. I didn’t want to imagine being without this. Like so many days during this trip, it was a battle to leave. Whether it was on the account of my friends leaving me, or because I couldn’t get enough of the scenery I can’t tell you.
I can say this: I’m going to take that one last, deep breath. Slow my heart beat, and take that next step. I think we all know that around the corner it will start all over again. It is hard to imagine getting better than this- All that I’ve seen this far has been amazing. I think we all know, from past experience, it only gets better than this. The world awaits to make my heart skip a beat….. join me tomorrow as I continue my way.

…and don’t forget to breathe.
<3 Nicole

A Yellowstone Survey marker. I think I have a whole collections of photos of survey
Yellowstone's petrified tree. There used to be a second, but early souvenir collectors took all of it, bit by bit. Now only this one remains. June 18, 2011


Yellowstone's Mammoth Hot Springs June 18, 2011


One of the (slightly comical) warnings about the wildlife. "Don't get gored by the buffalo". (Please click on picture to see undistorted & in full size)